Saturday, June 16, 2012


Although October remains several months away, the upcoming 13th ordinary assembly of the Synod of Bishops that will take place in the Vatican is frequently on the lips of missionaries. Not only has the synod been called to focus on the New Evangelization, but in the words of Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, secretary general of the synod of bishops, "[discussions] ought to rekindle the original fire in Christians - a new missionary consciousness that involves all the members of God's people" (Press Release - March 2012).

Having been one of only two lay-persons from North America requested to consult during the synod, the president and founder of FOCUS, Curtis Martin, will be traveling to Rome with all of our executive staff and 74 campus team directors to speak with select bishops from around the world (especially North America and Europe) following the bishop-only synod discussions each day. And, in a recent phone call to Curtis from a Vatican monsignor who served as secretary to all of the ad limina (regularly scheduled "state of the diocese") visits of U.S. bishops with Pope Benedict XVI, he shared the following:
"Curtis, I have two things to tell you. First off, the words on every bishop's mouth as they met with the Holy Father are Paul VI's 'new evangelization' (Evangelii Nuntiandi). Never in recent history has there been so unified a voice from all of the bishops that have come and met with the Holy Father, and never have they had so unified a vision in their hearts... But, and here's the second thing, they don't know how it's going to happen in the United States... That's why they're having the synod, and that's why I'm calling you. I'm certain that FOCUS is poised at the tip of the spear and it seems like you've been providentially placed there at this unique time with the upcoming synod and your appointment as consultant. But make no mistake - the only reason FOCUS is there is because of your commitment to the interior life & zeal for souls. Make sure the missionaries know that, and redouble their prayers. You may have more to offer in October than you realized."
When Curtis relayed that story to us missionaries a few weeks ago, he said it brought to mind a quote from St. John Vianney who once said, "If the Lord had one holy priest and three committed lay-persons at any parish, they would form a white-hot core that could transform any parish in the world."

And if the numbers continue to grow at the rate they have been, then in less than a decade, FOCUS will have "graduated" over 75,000 students, launching them into lifelong mission in their parishes around the country. With that many recent college graduates who have an authentic heart for mission, there will be (on average) not three, but four FOCUS-alum at every parish in the United States! In his closing words, Curtis clearly stated the following:
"Let's get one thing straight. We're not primarily committed to external growth. We're simply not. Rather, we're committed to drawing closer to Christ and developing the interior life. Right now! FOCUS is far more concerned about what God wants to do IN you rather than THROUGH you. Before the synod, during it, and afterwards, a good Catholic's main focus has to be just that. Give it a couple of years after the synod, and a new encyclical will be released, and that will be our 'marching orders' from the Holy Spirit. So at this time, each of us is still awaiting that message from Pope Benedict... Right now we have to renew our hearts and minds in Christ so that He can make us life-long agents of change. And finally, if what we offer college students doesn't translate into their future parish life, then what we're doing doesn't work. We'll have failed."
