GrassRoots Films <-- Click here!!!
Look no further for one of the greatest contemporary Catholic film production houses in the United States. Their work par excellence has reached audiences around the world - and their main film house is located just down the road from us in Brooklyn, NY! Check out some of their award winning work!
Salutaris Media <-- Click here!!!
Run by a great young Catholic back home in the DC area, Salutaris Media specializes in the production of various types of Catholic media and, in my humble opinion, is pretty comparable in quality to the work of GrassRoots if you're looking for a company closer to our nation's capital.
FOCUS-equip <-- Click here!!!
This site is the curriculum division of FOCUS, and the resources on the site are designed to help equip young adults for lifelong Catholic mission! "And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ [...]" - Ephesians 4
Catholic Alpha USA <-- !!!Priests and Religious click here!!!
Alpha for Catholics is a practical tool that parishes use to inspire Catholic renewal, answer the call to the New Evangelization and respond to the call of Christ and His Church to "go and make disciples of all nations." The Alpha course is an extremely effective tool for awakening faith in people who are on the fringe of parish life as it fosters a community of believers to dive into the Kerygma together.
Catholic Social Teaching-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Public Discourse <-- Click here!!!
Based out of the Witherspoon Institute associated with Princeton University in Princeton, NJ, The Public Discourse is an academic site dedicated to discussing issues of social justice, and has at its core a set of Catholic principles regarding social justice. If you're looking for Catholic academic sources on issues of abortion, homosexuality, and philosophy then I encourage you to explore this site!
Great Homilies from Great Priests----------------------------------------------------------------------
Fr. Jim's Homilies <-- Click here!!!
In addition to being the chaplain at Montclair State (where I served my first year as a missionary), Fr. Jim is the Director of Campus Ministry for the entire Archdiocese of Newark, but he still takes the time to post his latest homilies - so check 'em out!
Fr. Peter's Homilies <-- Click here!!!
Also in addition to being the chaplain at my alma mater, George Mason University, Fr. Peter Nassetta is the Director of Campus Ministry for the entire Diocese of Arlington, but he too takes the time to post his latest homilies - so check 'em out!
Audio Sancto <-- Click here!!!
This site is a database of great RECORDED homilies (which you can look up by topic), that have been given by priests of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, a community of priests who are very dear to Pope Benedict's heart! I highly recommend this site!