In the early church, there was often the distinction drawn between the Kerygma, and the actual catechesis of doctrines for the faithful. The Alpha Program emulates that same model, and realizes that one can't plant seeds of Faith in anything other than fertile soil. Thus, it is the job of Alpha to pass on the foundation, the Kerygma, the "soil" that allows for Faith to grow in, or be re-born.
And of personal interest to me - the course is largely built around philosophy and apologetics. As each session progresses, those involved will learn something of the person of Christ, as well as responses to all of the common criticisms of Christianity! This program has been accepted by the Church the world over, and even has the resounding stamp of approval from Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Preacher to the Papal Household! Check out the video posted under Alpha in the Resources tab, and specific prayer intentions for this course under Prayer Intentions!